f.a.s.h.i.o.n also R.A.K’s i.n.s.p.i.r.a.t.i.o.n

Yes,it is. It’s totally right,designer 😉

Unique Color

Actually every things around us, keepin’ us still creative and productive.fashion is just like an unique side of me, i never have such a goal to be follower nor trendsetter,but i pretend to which way comfort me. it could be about the shape yet the colors which my favourite and keep me shining through with R.A.K design. every person always have their own idea, their own creativity to pop up, to think out of the box, etc.  so,let’s see this clearly :

It’s inspiring me to use their shape and their soft color to paint the room. sometimes talking about high fashion is also talked about what taste are you. it could be rebel, could be glam, sweet or anything else. but, this theme made me feel like a princess. and those colors inspired me so.